Yes! I got something painted. I really have to get myself a lightbox, so I can make better pictures. Got my motivation back for this game, enjoying it as much as before.
Karn, now in colour!
Yes! I got something painted. I really have to get myself a lightbox, so I can make better pictures. Got my motivation back for this game, enjoying it as much as before.
What's that? What's that?

It's a worm and what kind of worm! A Razorworm! Looks like the evil stepchild of Skarath and Pyg Byrrowers. I am guessing on the following rules from those two models:
Critical Consume - On a critical hit, if the attack hit a small-based non-warlock/warcaster model the model hit is removed from play.
Tunneling (Order) - Before this unitʼs normal movement, replace the unit commander with the tunneling marker, then remove the remaining models in this unit from the table. Remove those that were not in formation from play. Effects on models in this unit expire. Then move the tunneling marker up to 5". During your next Maintenance Phase, place models in this unit within 5" of the tunneling marker and remove it from the table. Models that cannot be placed are removed from play. This unit cannot receive the Tunneling order if it received it during its last activation.
On the picture it looks like a large base (not sure). So I am guessing it will have one attack, something like the one Skarath has:
Bite [1x] (Head) POW: 6 P+S: 16
Critical Consume
Maybe it has another attack from the "piercing spikes". If the big horn has an in game function, I do not know, it would be cool, but maybe it is just being used to decorate the tunneling marker. The animus might also have something to do with the "piercing spikes" but that is just a very wild guess. Really looking forward to the rules on this little beast.
mk2 skorne
Back and with a vengeance!
So I took a WM/H break, why? I got demotivated by the constantly changing rules. But now the "final" version of the field test was released, I was happy and tried them in my local gaming group yesterday. I had a game with epic Morghoul and liked it.
Now I am motivated enough to go to a tournament in 10 days. I already know my first list, but I am still breaking my brains about a nice anti warmachine list, which will also work nicely versus shooty hordes.
My first list:
Points: 35
Lord Assassin Morghoul (*6pts)
* Cyclopse Savage (5pts)
* Molik Karn (11pts)
* Titan Gladiator (8pts)
Bloodrunners (Leader and 5 Grunts) (5pts)
Paingiver Beast Handlers (Leader and 3 Grunts) (2pts)
Praetorian Swordsmen (Leader and 9 Grunts) (6pts)
Bloodrunner Master Tormentor (2pts)
Extoler Soulward (2pts)
My second list is one with the new and improved Hexeris, I keep it secret a little bit longer, but smells like bacon.
Now I am motivated enough to go to a tournament in 10 days. I already know my first list, but I am still breaking my brains about a nice anti warmachine list, which will also work nicely versus shooty hordes.
My first list:
Points: 35
Lord Assassin Morghoul (*6pts)
* Cyclopse Savage (5pts)
* Molik Karn (11pts)
* Titan Gladiator (8pts)
Bloodrunners (Leader and 5 Grunts) (5pts)
Paingiver Beast Handlers (Leader and 3 Grunts) (2pts)
Praetorian Swordsmen (Leader and 9 Grunts) (6pts)
Bloodrunner Master Tormentor (2pts)
Extoler Soulward (2pts)
My second list is one with the new and improved Hexeris, I keep it secret a little bit longer, but smells like bacon.
How do I look at my stuff right now? (part 6 minions)
Swamp gobbers, the only one point option in our army list, with the new rules unable to hide behind their own cloud, which lost the -2 Mat. Still useful to keep your stuff hidden for one more round.
Orin Midwinter, not very much changed, to antimagic aura is very nice, but I usually end up to low on points to include fun solo's like him.
The Feralgeist has been unnerfed and nerfed at the same time. You will get an activation, but he will only go into enemy beasts. Only the though of having him in something like Typhon will make you very happy.
Wrong eye and Snapjaw are a fun team, the influence on wrong eye is very nice, gives him something to spend his fury on, as long as it does not have to much defense. Snapjaw's animus is a classic. Abuse not working on them anymore is a loss to me. Have to try them out to see how I really think about them.
Rorsh & Brine, or smart pig and monster pig, what else do you want? The diversionary tactics is still there and Brine got two extra attacks, not finally his animus has a use. Painresponse got a little bit worse, same goes for pigheaded. Have to try them out to see how I really think about them.
These are all the minions I have, but more might come in the near future, especially if you can make gator and farrow armies then.
How do I look at my stuff right now? (part 5 solos)
To weak to be a warcaster or real beast, to egocentric to be in an unit, most of them just plain wierd, the Skorne solos!
Ancestral Guardian, our primal solo and the only which I own a pair, got nerved hard in the fieldtest. He was very good in mark 1, but is he still worth his 3 points compared to the other solo's, which are all 2 points. Having a mat 8 model which is able to boost to hit is nice and he still is hard to kill, but that is about all.
Void Spirit, like him, the eruption of ash is so cool. Of course auto include with Mordikaar.
Soulward, still very nice, the boostable zap can be useful, but needing souls to get eyeless sight is sometimes annoying, you'll have to wait till your opponent gets around to kill something.
Master Tormentor. She brings the pain, the mat boost for the bloodrunners is very welcome.
The Agonizer is something I never got working in the previous mark, he didn't change that much, maybe time to get to know this little bugger better.
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