
What's that? What's that?

It's a worm and what kind of worm! A Razorworm! Looks like the evil stepchild of Skarath and Pyg Byrrowers. I am guessing on the following rules from those two models:
Critical Consume - On a critical hit, if the attack hit a small-based non-warlock/warcaster model the model hit is removed from play.
Tunneling (Order) - Before this unitʼs normal movement, replace the unit commander with the tunneling marker, then remove the remaining models in this unit from the table. Remove those that were not in formation from play. Effects on models in this unit expire. Then move the tunneling marker up to 5". During your next Maintenance Phase, place models in this unit within 5" of the tunneling marker and remove it from the table. Models that cannot be placed are removed from play. This unit cannot receive the Tunneling order if it received it during its last activation.

On the picture it looks like a large base (not sure). So I am guessing it will have one attack, something like the one Skarath has:
Bite [1x] (Head) POW: 6 P+S: 16
Critical Consume

Maybe it has another attack from the "piercing spikes". If the big horn has an in game function, I do not know, it would be cool, but maybe it is just being used to decorate the tunneling marker. The animus might also have something to do with the "piercing spikes" but that is just a very wild guess. Really looking forward to the rules on this little beast.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I want just say that this will be a Light warbeast, looking forward for it too :)
