He had: Grissel, mauler, two units of champions, full kreilstone (proxied because he forgot them), chonicler, sage and a fellcaller.
I had: Hexeris, gladiator, savage, guardian (proxied because I forgot him), full kitties and 5 paingivers.
Presienced deathbringer hitting 9 of the ten champions with P+S 14 (on titan) killing one of the and softening them up more.
Most deathmarch kittie attacks missing.
The catapult putting some hurt on grissel in turn 1 for a lucky scatter.
Him using his feat to soon.
The third deathbringer of the game on the mauler killed her.
Lessons learned:
Hexeris' feat is annoying, I could not use it all game because for some reason I like activating him last (as opposed to e.g.: Makeda)
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